
Melissa Salas, Givsum Superhero: Givsum Score 110

What is a Givsum Superhero?  A hero is not necessarily a man with superhuman strength, a woman with extraordinary
talents, a person with a mask and a cape fighting crime. Looking at today’s society, there are many issues at hand. Every day there are people that go to
sleep hungry, and every day there are people that serve at soup kitchens.
Every day there are countless kids suffering from heart disease, and every day
there are loving souls that aid and comfort the sick. What
defines a hero is someone noble, someone that helps and takes time to solve
the issues that are prevalent in our community. A Givsum Superhero is a person who simply recognizes a need in the community, takes a heroic step to do something about it and shares their action to inspire others to do the same. 

Meet Melissa Salas, a true Givsum Superhero.  Melissa is the Master of Ceremonies for Future Leaders of Our Community (FLOC), an ambassador for numerous charities throughout Orange County and a Givsum user with a score of 110!   

Melissa’s significant community work began back in 2010 when she first became involved with FLOC.  After listening to FLOC’s mission/vision of creating a community of young professionals dedicated to impacting local nonprofits, Melissa concluded FLOC was the right “bridge-charity” for her.  Five years later she’s the leading voice at FLOC events and one of the organization’s top community volunteers. In the last several years, Melissa has participated
in events such as the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, CHOC Walk, and many other fundraisers benefiting the Make A Wish Foundation, Cystic Fibrosis, Child Creativity Lab and American Lung Association.  

Recently, Melissa started using Givsum as a tool to track her philanthropy and discover new opportunities to participate in her local community.  She is now inspiring others to do the same and sharing her passion for service with a broader community.  Whether it’s performing on stage as a speaker for charitable
events or combining her love for exercise with her volunteer work, for Melissa “It’s all fun and it makes a difference!”   

Follow Melissa Salas on Givsum today and become a local hero!  Join! 

*How does one become a Givsum Superhero?  When a Givsum user participates in a charity fundraiser such as a walk/gala, volunteers at a local homeless shelter, works to clean up the environment, mentors a child, or simply donates to their favorite 501c3 charity, they become a local hero for their community.  As one tracks their philanthropy on Givsum, and inspires others to do the same, their Givsum Score will grow.  Any Givsum Score above 100 is considered superhero territory and is worthy of celebration.

For a limited time, users with a Givsum Score above 100 can email their score to support@givsum.com and receive a Givsum Superhero mask.  Be sure to include a mailing address!